
Become a Volunteer with Disability Pride NYC at the 2024 Disability Pride Parade and Festival, or volunteer year-round!

Tell us how you'd like to contribute by filling out the volunteer form. Choose your area of interest!

Volunteer Responsibilities (9:30 AM to 3:00 PM)

  1. Certified ASL Interpreters

    • While consultant ASL interpreters are hired for the day, Additional ASL interpreters would be appreciated

  2. Photographers and Videographers

    • Capture photos and videos for online access, and take pictures of elected officials, city agencies, and participating parade groups.

9:30 AM - 11:00 AM: Madison Square Park Information Table and Side Streets

Volunteer Tasks:

  • Assist with sharing line-up and logistics information at the info booth.

  • Direct groups along the side streets. (Zoom training provided before the parade)

  • Engage with groups waiting for the parade by working with performers and artists.

10:30 AM: Remarks for Press

By Parade Organizers, City Officials, and Grand Marshals Volunteer Tasks:

  • Photographers and videographers to capture remarks and share images of elected officials and city agencies.

  • Social media influencers to interview and post about officials and Grand Marshals.

  • Assist organizers in gathering stakeholders for group photos and ensuring the parade kicks off on time.

11:00 AM: Parade Start

Route: Madison Square Park to Union Square Park

  • A community viewing area will be set up for non-marching participants at Broadway, between 21st and 22nd Streets.

Volunteer Tasks:

  • Help with seating arrangements in the community viewing area (chairs must be reserved).

  • Assist judges at the review stand (Broadway, between 21st and 22nd Streets). Judges will award prizes for:

    • Best Float

    • Best Performance (for performers who keep moving during the parade)

    • Best Costumes

    • Most Spirit

12:00 PM: Community Gathering in Union Square Park


  • Tabling by organizations, corporations, and city agencies.

  • Performances and community engagement activities.

Volunteer Tasks:

  • Help organizations find their table locations.

12:30 PM: Remarks by Parade Organizers, City Officials, and Grand Marshals

Volunteer Tasks:

  • Assist with water stations and support people in quiet areas.

  • Maintain the information booth in Union Square.

  • Help experienced production team members keep the program on schedule.

  • Engage with artists and performers throughout Union Square.

Join us and make a difference in the 2024 Disability Pride Parade! Volunteers are crucial to making the event run smoothly and inclusively. We appreciate your support!