Become a Volunteer with Disability Pride NYC at the 2024 Disability Pride Parade and Festival, or volunteer year-round!
Tell us how you'd like to contribute by filling out the volunteer form. Choose your area of interest!
Volunteer Responsibilities (9:30 AM to 3:00 PM)
Certified ASL Interpreters
While consultant ASL interpreters are hired for the day, Additional ASL interpreters would be appreciated
Photographers and Videographers
Capture photos and videos for online access, and take pictures of elected officials, city agencies, and participating parade groups.
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM: Madison Square Park Information Table and Side Streets
Volunteer Tasks:
Assist with sharing line-up and logistics information at the info booth.
Direct groups along the side streets. (Zoom training provided before the parade)
Engage with groups waiting for the parade by working with performers and artists.
10:30 AM: Remarks for Press
By Parade Organizers, City Officials, and Grand Marshals Volunteer Tasks:
Photographers and videographers to capture remarks and share images of elected officials and city agencies.
Social media influencers to interview and post about officials and Grand Marshals.
Assist organizers in gathering stakeholders for group photos and ensuring the parade kicks off on time.
11:00 AM: Parade Start
Route: Madison Square Park to Union Square Park
A community viewing area will be set up for non-marching participants at Broadway, between 21st and 22nd Streets.
Volunteer Tasks:
Help with seating arrangements in the community viewing area (chairs must be reserved).
Assist judges at the review stand (Broadway, between 21st and 22nd Streets). Judges will award prizes for:
Best Float
Best Performance (for performers who keep moving during the parade)
Best Costumes
Most Spirit
12:00 PM: Community Gathering in Union Square Park
Tabling by organizations, corporations, and city agencies.
Performances and community engagement activities.
Volunteer Tasks:
Help organizations find their table locations.
12:30 PM: Remarks by Parade Organizers, City Officials, and Grand Marshals
Volunteer Tasks:
Assist with water stations and support people in quiet areas.
Maintain the information booth in Union Square.
Help experienced production team members keep the program on schedule.
Engage with artists and performers throughout Union Square.
Join us and make a difference in the 2024 Disability Pride Parade! Volunteers are crucial to making the event run smoothly and inclusively. We appreciate your support!