Limited Space for Festival Tables at Union Square Park
There are limited spots for 50 organizations, city agencies, and corporations to set up tables at the post-parade Festival in Union Square Park. You will be notified about your table selection by September 30th. Once selected, you must submit payment through PayPal or by check.
Sponsorship and Participation Details
The Office of the New York City Comptroller is co-sponsoring the parade. Please note that contributing to or co-sponsoring the Disability Pride NYC Parade will not influence business dealings with the City or provide access to City officials.
If the parade is canceled due to hazardous weather, you will receive a refund for any costs Disability Pride NYC did not incur. However, this means you may not be refunded the full amount.
Criteria for Vendor Selection
Vendor selection is based on:
Support for the parade
Contributions to the disability community, including year-round services and support at the post-parade festival
This year, we are particularly interested in city agencies that are working on meeting the Accessibility Five-Year Plan or agencies offering employment opportunities within their organization.
Costs for Participation
Non-profits and City Agencies:
$149 for a booth with a tent, one table, a tablecloth, and two chairs.
Alternatively, you can bring your own table, chairs, tent, and tablecloth, with no cost. You must indicate which option you choose in the application.
For-profit Corporations:
$10,000 contribution, which includes sponsor listings at the event.
If you don’t have the resources to run your own table, you can join the "Project Access for All - Disability Unite" community consortium at their table to share literature and meet community members.
Publicity and Promotion
A map and text description of Union Square Park detailing each booth's location will be available on the website before the parade.
We ask all participating organizations to help promote the parade by sharing their participation via email, newsletters, and social media.
Day-of Information
Booth materials must be brought in the morning of the parade before 10:30 AM.
If unloading materials by car, go to 17th Street from Park Avenue. Parade staff will direct you to unloading zones. Once unloaded, vehicles must be moved, and parking must be arranged independently.
American Sign Language (ASL) Interpreters
ASL interpreters will be available at Booth #1 for constituents who need to communicate using ASL.